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Mobile Houseless Ministry

Next service day: Saturday, May 25

In-person volunteers and donations are needed.  Specifically, donations of men’s and women’s jeans and shorts are needed.  Please bring items to local church offices for distribution.  Church volunteers staff the donations table where clothes, shoes, socks, hygiene kits, flashlights, blankets, toilet paper and paper towels, dog food and snacks are all distributed. Jamie Armstead with Jumpstart Industries operates the food truck. Clergy serve communion and offer prayer.  All of our churches contribute to this ministry where we serve about 50 to 60 people each month. Most are encamped within one mile of our mobile site. We see familiar faces and new faces. Many are awaiting a housing voucher from the City of LB Health Department multiservice center, and will eventually move to an apartment at a converted motel. You are welcome to give us a hand sometime sorting clothes, or at the site.  Please reach out to coordinator, Michael Naylor 714 328 1503 or R

ev. Melinda Dodge (E:

May 24

LGBTQIA+ Coffee House

May 31

Fifth Friday Fun Night